Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wine Bottle Drinking Glasses

Wine Bottle Drinking Glasses
I have been so excited to try this! Fire and breaking glass, what could possibly be more fun? I've been saving my bottles since I first came across wine bottle drinking glasses on Pinterest. Over the weekend some friends and I from my Meetup group, South Bay Upcycled Sewing, got together to break glass.

We had a blast, but sadly the photo above was our only successful glass from our 18 broken bottles. We were a bummed at our results but not deterred. All the tutorials we'd seen had made it seem so easy. There must be some simple explanation for our failure. We thought it may lie in more ice. Our bottles were breaking but we were getting a lot of fractures and cracks.

We played around with different yarn too. At first we were using acrylic, not a good choice. It didn't burn hot enough. When we switched to cotton we got a much hotter flame but still no better results.

After my friends went home I was determined to get to the bottom of this! I scoured the internet looking for alternative methods and an explanation for our poor results. I found one, I place an order for a bottle glass cutter and I am eagerly awaiting it's arrival. Stay tuned for Wine Bottle Drinking Glasses take 2!

Breaking bottles with FIRE!

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