Thursday, June 2, 2011

Say No to GMO

Are there living pesticide factories growing inside our intestines as a result of our eating genetically modified foods? GMOs are bad for us and Jeffery Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology is on a mission to make that clear to all of us.

Video by Alex Bogusky, FearLess Revolution, for

Last month I was introduced to Jeffery Smith and the Institute for Responsible Technology (not in person) when I edited an interview my friend Alix of Med Nauseam did with him. Alix spoke with Jeffery at the Health and Nutrition Conference in San Francisco in May 2011. Don't miss her interview - GMOs: Jeffrey Smith Says You Need to Know 5 Major Points.

Today through twitter I came across more info from Jeffery Smith thanks to Alex Bogusky and his FearLess Revolution. "We Swear, BT Toxin Only Affects Insects." Ooops. These are some great informational videos and an excellent article by Jeffery Smith about the dangers of the BT-toxin and GMOs.
Monsanto and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) swore up and down that it was only insects that would be hurt. The Bt-toxin, they claimed, would be completely destroyed in the human digestive system and not have any impact on all of us trusting corn-eating consumers.
Oops. A study just proved them wrong.
Seriously why do we let this happen and what can we do about it. Well money and pocket lining probably explains the why/how this has been allowed to happen. As for what we can do about it, that's simple. Stop buying GMO foods.

OK, so maybe that isn't so simple but the website Non-GMO Shopping Guide makes it a lot easier. The site provides tips on how to avoid GMOs and lists of food companies that are enrolled in the Non-GMO Project Standard. There is even an App for your iPhone.

I downloaded the App and hit my local Whole Foods armed and ready today. I was bummed to not find the brand of GMO free chips I was looking for on the shelves, but happy that shopping GMO free wasn't that hard.

1 comment:

  1. Why is the US as a "world leader" allowing it's own companies to kill it's own people?
    Perhaps it is time to get a passport and a visa and move to somewhere like Europe, Australia or New Zealand.


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